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Connection to external consent managers

Use of hybrid tracking Connection to Usercentrics Use of the current CMP version 2 Use of the outdated CMP version 1 For CMP version 1 & 2 Connection to Cookiebot Connection to Consentmanager.net Connection to OneTrust CookiePro Connection to Borlabs Cookie Connection to CCM19 Cookie Consent Manager Connection to other and own solutions

With regard to cookie banners, there are three options for the use of etracker analytics:

  1. You dispense with a cookie banner and use etracker analytics in cookie-less mode by default. Why this is 100% legally compliant in harmony with the requirements of the GDPR and the TTDSG is explained here.
  2. You use the integrated etracker consent manager.
  3. You connect etracker analytics to an external Consent Management Platform (CMP).

In the following, we explain what needs to be done when connecting to external consent management platforms.

Use of hybrid tracking

We recommend the use of consent-independent hybrid tracking with the combination of consent-free tracking without cookies and cookie activation after user consent. This has the great advantage that consent is not used to switch tracking on or off, but only to control the tracking mode.

Hybrid tracking diagram

To connect etracker analytics with hybrid tracking to the CMP, these two points are important:

1. The CMP must not block the etracker scripts! The tracking code and the event codes must remain executable so that cookie-less tracking is not prevented.

For Cookiebot, Consentmanager.net and OneTrust, a parameter must be added in the Tracking & Event Code (eCommerce and general) to prevent blocking if Auto Blocking is activated in the CMP.


As this is not possible with integration via plugins in content management and store systems, auto-blocking should not be used in these cases.

2. the cookie activation should be linked! This is optional, but is recommended for the best possible data quality.

We provide the following instructions:

Connection to Usercentrics

If you do not yet have a Usercentrics account, you can find information about the service packages on offer here.


In contrast to the general Usercentrics instructions, please do not make any changes to the etracker code or the etracker <script> tags and in particular leave the type at text/javascript to ensure that the cookie-less tracking variant continues to run without consent!

In the Usercentrics user interface under Service Settings → Data Processing Services, add etracker as an additional service.

Use of the current CMP version 2

Under Implementation Data Layer and Events, add a new data layer of the type Window Event. Select onConsentStatusChange as the name for the window event:

Define window event in Usercentrics when using the current CMP

Use of the outdated CMP version 1

Under Service Settings → Advanced Data Processing Settings, add a new data layer of the type Window Event. Select onConsentStatusChange as the name for the window event. Activate consents_changed for the event:

Define window event in Usercentrics when using the old CMP

For CMP version 1 & 2

To link the permission to set etracker cookies with the etracker API call enableCookies or disableCookies , add the following code below the tracking code or in the plugin to your pages:

Link etracker API Call enableCookies or disableCookies javascript
  var _etrackerOnReady = typeof _etrackerOnReady === 'undefined' ? [] : _etrackerOnReady;
  function etrackerSetCookieConsent(e) {
    var data = e.data || e.detail;
    if(data && (data.event === 'consent_changed' || data.event === 'consent_status')) {
      if(data['etracker'] === true)
        _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.enableCookies('mydomain.com') });
      else if (data['etracker'] === false)
        _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.disableCookies('mydomain.com') });
  window.addEventListener('onConsentStatusChange', etrackerSetCookieConsent, false);

Connection to Cookiebot

If auto-blocking is used:

Add data-cookieconsent="ignore" to all etracker <script> tags (tracking code, event tracker and ecommerce tracking scripts) as an additional attribute so that consent-free tracking is not prevented. Please do not make any further changes to the etracker code and in particular leave the type at text/javascript to ensure that the cookie-less tracking variant continues to run without consent!

<script data-cookieconsent="ignore" type="text/javascript">
  // var et_pagename = "";
  // var et_areas = "";
  // var et_tval = 0;
  // var et_tsale = 0;
  // var et_tonr = "";
  // var et_basket = "";
<script data-cookieconsent="ignore" id="_etLoader" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-block-cookies="true" data-secure-code="ABCDE" src="//code.etracker.com/code/e.js" async></script>

The data-secure-code “ABCDE” must be replaced by the personal account key!


Since the customization of the etracker scripts is only partially possible with integration via plugins, auto blocking should not be used with integration via plugin.

To connect the Cookiebot Statistics category with the etracker API call enableCookies or disableCookies, add the following lines below the tracking code:

Connect etracker API Call enableCookies or disableCookies javascript
<script data-cookieconsent="ignore" type="text/javascript">
  var _etrackerOnReady = typeof _etrackerOnReady === 'undefined' ? [] : _etrackerOnReady;
  function etrackerSetCookieConsent(e) {
    if (Cookiebot.consent.statistics)
      _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.enableCookies('mydomain.com') });
      _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.disableCookies('mydomain.com') });
  window.addEventListener('CookiebotOnConsentReady', etrackerSetCookieConsent, false); 

The last step is to add the cookies set by etracker after consent has been given in Cookiebot according to this list:

Add Cookiebot cookies

Connection to Consentmanager.net

If auto-blocking is used:

Add data-cmp-ab="1″ to all etracker <script> tags (tracking code, event tracker and eCommerce tracking scripts) as an additional attribute so that consent-free tracking is not prevented.

Please do not make any further changes to the etracker code and in particular leave the type at text/javascript to ensure that the cookie-less tracking variant continues to run without consent!

<script data-cmp-ab="1" type="text/javascript">
  // var et_pagename = "";
  // var et_areas = "";
  // var et_tval = 0;
  // var et_tsale = 0;
  // var et_tonr = "";
  // var et_basket = "";
<script data-cmp-ab="1" id="_etLoader" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-block-cookies="true" data-secure-code="ABCDE" src="//code.etracker.com/code/e.js" async></script>

The data-secure-code “ABCDE” must be replaced by the personal account key!


Since it is not possible to customize the etracker scripts when integrating via plugins, auto blocking should not be used when integrating via plugins.

To exclude the etracker domains from the automatic blocking of scripts, make the following settings in the ConsentManager interface under Edit CMP → Other settings:

Here you can exclude the etracker domains from automatic blocking

In the ConsentManager interface, under CMPs → Provider, enter etracker GmbH with the purpose Measurement:

Enter provider in ConsentManager interface

Then activate the etracker Consent Mode under Add/Edit CMP → Other settings to activate etracker cookies with consent:

Activate etracker Consent Mode
Please note

Settings in the ConsentManager interface only take effect after approx. 10 minutes.

Connection to OneTrust CookiePro

If auto-blocking is used:

Add data-ot-ignore to all etracker <script> tags (tracking code, event tracker and eCommerce tracking scripts) as an additional attribute so that consent-free tracking is not prevented.

Please do not make any further changes to the etracker code and in particular leave the type at text/javascript to ensure that the cookie-less tracking variant continues to run without consent!

 <script data-ot-ignore type="text/javascript">
  // var et_pagename = "";
  // var et_areas = "";
  // var et_tval = 0;
  // var et_tsale = 0;
  // var et_tonr = "";
  // var et_basket = "";
<script data-ot-ignore id="_etLoader" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-block-cookies="true" data-secure-code="ABCDE" src="//code.etracker.com/code/e.js" async></script>

The data-secure-code “ABCDE” must be replaced by the personal account key!


Since it is not possible to customize the etracker scripts when integrating via plugins, auto blocking should not be used when integrating via plugins.

To request permission to set etracker cookies with the etracker API call enableCookies or disableCookies add the following code below the tracking code in your pages or in the plugin. The name of the group (here “C0002” for statistics cookies, see also Cookiepedia → Categorizations → Categories in CookiePro) may need to be adjusted:

Link etracker API Call enableCookies or disableCookies javascript
<script data-ot-ignore type="text/javascript">
  var _etrackerOnReady = typeof _etrackerOnReady === 'undefined' ? [] : _etrackerOnReady;
  function etrackerSetCookieConsent(e) {
    var groups = OnetrustActiveGroups.split(',');
    if (groups.includes('C0002'))
      _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.enableCookies('mydomain.com') });
      _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.disableCookies('mydomain.com') });
  function initOneTrustCallback() {
    if(typeof OneTrust !== 'undefined')
      window.setTimeout(initOneTrustCallback, 100);

Connection to Borlabs Cookie

For Borlabs, the etracker code does not need to be customized to prevent blocking.

Create a new entry for etracker in Borlabs Cookie in the graphical user interface under Cookies:

Name: etracker
Provider: etracker GmbH
Purpose: Statistics
Cookie Name: You can find the current etracker cookies here.

Enter the following opt-in code in the Borlabs cookie user interface:

Opt-in code javascript
 <script type="text/javascript">
    var _etrackerOnReady = typeof _etrackerOnReady === 'undefined' ? [] : _etrackerOnReady;
    _etrackerOnReady.push(function(){ _etracker.enableCookies() });

Enter this as the opt-out code:

Opt-out code javascript
 <script type="text/javascript">
    var _etrackerOnReady = typeof _etrackerOnReady === 'undefined' ? [] : _etrackerOnReady;
    _etrackerOnReady.push(function() { if(_etracker.areCookiesEnabled()) { _etracker.disableCookies(); } });

Borlabs then plays the corresponding code when changing the settings and when loading the pages and activates or deactivates the setting of cookies.

Connection to CCM19 Cookie Consent Manager

Setting up hybrid tracking in conjunction with CCM19 only requires copying and pasting a code as described in the CCM19 instructions.

Connection to other and own solutions

When integrating the etracker code, make sure that it can be executed as type="text/javascript" .

You can activate the setting of etracker cookies by integrating the following API call:


The status of whether cookies are set or not can be queried with :


Here you can return true or false.

Consent that has already been granted can be revoked via this call:
