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Last visitors

The overview The detailed view Overview of further diagnostic options

The Last Visitors report is available via Real-time reports → Last visitors can be accessed. This is a tracking log or visit log that shows the last 50 visits to the website. Individual visits can be examined in detail using the overview table. As the report is based on real-time data, it helps with quality assurance in website and campaign tagging. It also shows how real people actually use the website.

For data protection reasons, only anonymous data is displayed. The IP addresses displayed were shortened before processing and cannot be used to identify natural persons.

The overview

The overview table shows the last 15 visitors and can be expanded to the last 50 visitors using the Load more button. The last visitors are always sorted according to the last recorded page view, regardless of how long the visitor has been active.

In the overview, active visits are highlighted in green with a shortened IP address. The dimensions session start, country, city and origin can be selected or deselected by clicking in the dimension selection above the table. All active dimensions can be filtered using the search function.

To refresh the overview, click on the reload icon showing the time since the last update.

Last visitor report in etracker analytics

The detailed view

By clicking on the IP address entry, you will be taken to the detailed view of the visitor and receive additional technical information such as browser, device type, operating system and all recorded interactions.

In the table, the interactions in the Type column are represented by different symbols:

  • Campaign information
  • Page views
  • General and e-commerce events

The events triggered on a page and the campaign parameters recorded when the page is called up are displayed in a line indented with a curved arrow sign above the corresponding page call. For longer entries, the complete entries are displayed using a mouse overlay.

Details Last Visitors Report

Quality assurance of the etracker integration

Check the correct etracker integration on the website using the Last Visitor Report. To do this, first call up your website. Then determine your own IP address in a parallel window (e.g. via and enter it, shortened by the last octet, in the last visitor report in the search field at the top of the page.

Click on your shortened IP address to open the detailed view. If you now call up pages and trigger events on your website at the same time, you can view all recorded interactions and data in the detailed view.

All data listed in the Last Visitors report will be visible in the other reports of your etracker account after approx. 30-45 minutes.

Overview of further diagnostic options

In addition to the real-time last visitor report, the following diagnostic options are available: