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TikTok Ads

Setting up TikTok Ads conversion tracking Setting up the TikTok Ads conversion upload Setting up TikTok Ads campaign tracking Setting up the TikTok conversion tag

Setting up TikTok Ads conversion tracking

In the following, we will show you how to set up the campaign measurement of TikTok Ads and the automatic transmission of conversion data to TikTok.

The automatic upload of conversion data to TikTok makes it possible for you,

  • see the conversion rates and sales of your campaigns directly in the TikTok Ads Manager, so that you can manage campaigns completely there.
  • conversions and sales for automatic bidding strategies such as target CPA or target ROAS.


  • etracker analytics Pro or Enterprise Edition with administration rights
  • Access to the TikTok Ads Manager
  • Conversion actions are set up in etracker analytics – either as orders (leads), purchases (sales), target achievements (in conversion processes) or Tag Manager conversions

In order to gain maximum conversion data for bid optimization, we recommend the combination of server-side upload and TikTok Conversion Tag. The prerequisite for this is that the same conversions are recognized as identical and are not mistakenly taken into account more than once. It is therefore essential to follow the instructions on deduplication under point 3 if you want to record conversions on the website in parallel using etracker analytics and TikTok Tag.

The facility consists of these points:

  1. Setting up the TikTok Ads conversion upload.
  2. Setting up TikTok Ads campaign tracking.
  3. Optional (recommended): Set up the TikTok conversion tag.

Setting up the TikTok Ads conversion upload

The setup is completed in just two steps:

Step 1: Setting up a data source

To create a new data source, click Tools → Events in the menu bar of the TikTok Ads Manager.

Here we show you how to set up a new data source for TikTok Ads Manager.
In the Event Manager, click on Connect data source at the top left.

Select Web and then Next:

Here you must now select which data source you would like to connect. To set up the TikTok conversion upload, select Web.

Enter the URL of your website in the corresponding field and go to the next step by clicking Next:

Enter the URL of your website here.

Select Manual setup, then TikTok and Events API:

Select Manual setup as the data connection method.
Now you need to select TikTok Pixel and Events API.

Enter a name for the data set, such as Conversions (the name is freely selectable), and select Create.

Here you assign the name for the created pixel.

Click on Next several times up to point 7 to create an access token:

Now create the access token under Implement event API.

Save the token and the pixel ID for later use.

Copy the pixel ID and the access token and save both for later use.

Complete the creation of the new data source via Finish.

You can now complete the creation of the new data source using the Finish button.

Step 2: Setting up the conversion upload in etracker analytics

Go to Configuration → Conversion upload:

Here you can set up the TikTok conversion upload in etracker analytics.

Insert the pixel ID and the access token from the data source created in step 1 and click on Save.

Setting up TikTok Ads campaign tracking

Click on the parameter field to copy the displayed parameter set.

Click on the parameter field to copy the complete parameter set.

Add this parameter set after the target URL of all ads in Ads ManagerCampaignLevel: AdArea: TargetField: Target URL (only in this example the target URL is

This shows where you should store the copied parameter set.

This means that all visits via TikTok Ads are recorded in etracker analytics with the associated campaign information and conversions are attributed according to the attribution models.

Setting up the TikTok conversion tag


The combination of TikTok tag and conversion upload via etracker analytics requires that the TikTok tag is controlled via the etracker tag manager.

This ensures that identical conversion actions are not counted twice but are deduplicated by TikTok. etracker automatically generates unique conversion IDs for this purpose.

In order to achieve the deduplication of conversions, the TikTok conversion tag activated in the etracker tag manager

  1. are triggered on the same websites as the uploaded etracker conversion and
  2. contain the same value as the etracker conversion.
  3. The TikTok Conversion Pixel must be set up as CompletePayment

The following is an example of the process using the conversion purchase , which is recorded using the etracker store plugin or etracker e-commerce event.

First, set up a trigger that triggers a purchase in the etracker e-commerce event. To do this, go to tag manager → my triggers → add trigger → etracker event.

Select E-Commerce Event and then Purchase in the dropdown:

Set up a trigger for an e-commerce event in the etracker tag manager.

You then create a variable for the order value. If you use one of the etracker store plugins or the e-commerce API, all e-commerce events are pushed to the data layer. The data layer can thus be used to pass the order value in a TikTok tag. The Datalayer entry for a purchase looks like this:

This is an example of the Datalayer entry for a purchase

To do this, go to tag manager → my variables → add variable → data layer.

Assign any variable title, such as order value, as the name of the data layer dataLayer and as the name of the data layer variable order.orderPrice.

Here you set up the DataLayer variable in the etracker tag manager

Finally, set up the TikTok conversion tag using the previously created variable and trigger. To do this, go to tag manager → my tags → add tag → TikTok Pixel → Conversion Tracking.

Next, enter a free tag title, select the trigger you just created as the trigger, insert the TikTok Pixel ID described above and select Payment completed as the event. If necessary, adjust the currency and change the value to the variable created for the order value.

Here you set up TikTok conversion tracking in the etracker tag manager.

Using debug mode, you can check the correct transmission on the order confirmation page when executing a test order.