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3 ways to measure conversions with etracker analytics

Measuring conversions with the etracker tag manager Measuring conversions as a conversion process Create conversions via the e-commerce API Summary

Conversions are one of the most important metrics in web analytics. They can have different goals, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter or clicking on a button.

With etracker, conversions can be measured in three ways:

  1. With the etracker tag manager(tag manager → Add tag → etracker Conversion)
  2. As a conversion process(Configuration → Conversion processes)
  3. Via e-commerce API

Measuring conversions with the etracker tag manager

A tag of the type etracker Conversion can be selected via the menu item tag manager. In addition to the tag title and conversion name, a trigger is also defined here. If already created, this can be selected from a list. The Conversion Value field is optional. The etracker conversion is saved via the Add tag button and is immediately live.

Here we show you how to set up a conversion in the etracker tag manager.

Measuring conversions as a conversion process

Conversion processes, also known as funnels, are process chains that consist of individual pages or events. Each step can be defined via a page name, an event or a URL. You can also specify whether reaching the last step should be counted as a conversion. Conversion process configuration can also be used to define engagement targets as conversions, i.e. a certain minimum length of stay or minimum number of pages viewed.

Here you will be shown how to set up a conversion process in etracker analytics.

More information on conversion processes.

Create conversions via the e-commerce API

Conversions such as sales or leads are often of interest for e-commerce applications. etracker offers plugins for all common store systems for the automatic recording of purchasing behavior from product viewed to placed in shopping cart or added to watch list to order. Alternatively, these e-commerce events can also be sent to the etracker e-commerce API via JavaScript. For example, a completed shopping cart is transferred with the order via a previously defined order object that contains structured data with values such as product ID, quantity, name and price. In a store, purchasing behavior is typically measured using e-commerce events. However, the checkout process is measured using conversion processes, without measuring the process as a conversion, as the successful checkout is already recorded as an e-commerce event order.

More information on the e-commerce API


Conversions can be measured in etracker in three ways: For simple measurement points without an e-commerce function, the etracker tag manager can be used. Multi-level process chains can be created using conversion processes. More complex conversions (e.g. sales) with shopping cart content are ideally measured using an e-commerce API or plugin.