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CNAME entry

How to create the CNAME entry with your hosting provider

A key step in setting up your own tracking domain is the CNAME entry for the desired virtual tracking subdomain.

If you use tracking via your own domain, the tracking code is retrieved from the etracker servers, but the data communication with the website visitor takes place entirely via the tracking domain you have specified. In order for the data to be forwarded to an etracker server, you must set a corresponding CNAME entry with your hosting provider.

CNAME (canonical name) is used to refer from the alias domain (e.g. the tracking subdomain “webcontr.your-domain.com”) to the “authorized” domain customer.etracker.com.

General procedure

The procedure for creating a CNAME record differs depending on the domain hosting provider. In general, the procedure follows these steps:

  1. Open DNS administration: Log in to the domain host and open the DNS settings.
  2. Create a new CNAME entry: In the DNS settings, select the option to add a new entry and specify CNAME as the type.
  3. Define subdomain: Enter webcontr in the name (or alias) field to address the subdomain webcontr.your-website.com.
  4. Enter destination (or value): Enter customer.etracker.com in the field for the destination (value).
  5. Save changes: Save the settings to activate the CNAME entry.

After saving the changes, it can take up to 48 hours for the DNS changes to be active worldwide. As soon as the entry is active, all requests to “webcontr.your-website.com” are automatically forwarded to “customer.etracker.com”.

Here you will find links to the instructions for the most common web hosts in Germany:

1BLU: https://faq.1blu.de/index.php?solution_id=1857

A2 HOSTING: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/cpanel/cpanel-domain-features/using-the-cpanel-zone-editor/

ALL-INKL.COM: https://all-inkl.com/wichtig/anleitungen/kas/tools/dns-werkzeuge/cname_178.html

CLOUDFLARE: On the Cloudflare Dashboard, click on DNS in the menu on the left and then select the sub-item Entries. Then select CNAME as the type of entry.

DOGADO: https://help.dogado.de/hc/de/articles/25502105492369-Wie-lege-ich-einen-CNAME-Canconcial-Name-DNS-Eintrag-an

GODADDY: https://www.godaddy.com/de-de/help/cname-record-hinzufugen-19236

HOSTGATOR: https://www.hostgator.com/help/article/how-to-change-dns-zones-mx-cname-and-a-records

HOSTINGER: https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/4738777-how-to-manage-cname-records

IONOS: https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/cname-records-fuer-subdomains-konfigurieren/cname-record-fuer-eine-bestehende-subdomain-konfigurieren/

JIMDO: https://help.jimdo.com/hc/de/articles/115005537866-Wie-erstelle-ich-einen-CNAME-Eintrag

MITTWALD: https://www.mittwald.de/faq/domains-ssl/dns/was-ist-ein-cname-record <

STRATO: https://www.strato.de/faq/domains/wie-kann-ich-bei-strato-meine-dns-eintraege-verwalten/#cname

UNITED DOMAINS: https://www.united-domains.de/help/faq-article/wie-kann-ich-einen-cname-eintrag-fuer-eine-einzelne-subdomain-hinterlegen/

WEBGO: https://www.webgo.de/hilfe/content/79/86/de/was-ist-ein-resource-record-rr_typ.html

WIX: https://support.wix.com/de/article/einen-cname-eintrag-in-deinem-konto-bei-wix-hinzufuegen-oder-aendern