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General information

Account settings Account domain Referrer exclusion IP blocking Automated tracking User management

Account settings

Account domain

Account → Account → Account domain

The domain entered here is used as the account name and is excluded as the default referrer.

Referrer exclusion

Account → Domain filter → Referrer exclusion

Enter the main domain and all other internal domains of the website (all domain names with -endings; subdomains are automatically taken into account) that are to be excluded from the recording as external sources of origin.

Common payment providers are automatically excluded as external sources of origin. This prevents falsification of the campaign evaluation for transactions via third-party providers. Use the exclusion function to include other ticketing or payment providers that are not included in the standard exclusion list.

IP blocking

Account → Domain filter → Block IP

To prevent internal access from being recorded in etracker reports, IP ranges can be excluded from the count. To do this, simply enter one or more IP addresses separated by a semicolon. Due to data protection regulations , etracker only processes shortened IP addresses, which is why the filter option only covers three blocks. If external access is also excluded by the specified IP range, data processing can be objected to using the objection function in the data protection notice in order to exclude internal access from being recorded.

Automated tracking

Automated registration of the page names

Account → Automated Tracking Automated tracking of the Page name

Page names are recorded via the parameter et_pagename. If this is not set, the page title is automatically entered as the page name or alternatively the URL in the default setting.

Automated area detection

Account → Automated Tracking Automated area detection

Areas include several pages. This is particularly useful for extensive websites with many pages. The areas are defined via the et_areas parameter. If et_areas is not set, the areas are automatically recorded based on the URL structure of the website.

Automated tracking of events

Account → Automated Tracking Automated tracking of events

To automatically capture clicks on external links, including social media links and downloads of documents and images, the necessary settings can be made here or you can define your own formats for automatic capture.

Automated tracking of site search

Account → Automated Tracking Automated tracking of site search configuration

The search terms entered on the website can be automatically recorded using this function. For this purpose, the URLs are analyzed and the transfer of certain search parameters is checked. The parameters q, s, search, term, query and keyword are entered by default. If none of the parameters are passed on the page, additional parameters can be entered here. After saving, these are also recorded.

Automated mapping of Google, Piwik Pro and Matomo campaign parameters

Account → Automated Tracking Mapping of Google, Piwik Pro and Matomo campaign parameters

Links with campaign parameters from Google Analytics or Piwik Pro can be automatically matched in etracker. The data is recorded immediately after activation.

User management

Settings → User management

An account can be used by several users. Under Settings → User management users can be added, changed and deleted. The associated access authorizations are determined via the authorization profiles. The roles ‘Analyze’ or ‘Analyze edit’ and ‘Admin’ are available for differentiation. If required, you can also define which linked accounts are granted access for the authorization profiles.