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Hyvä compatibility Number of own reports New menu bar Debug mode Content blocking GET parameters for URLs

July 29, 2024


Hyvä compatibility

The etracker plugin for Magento2 is now compatible with the up-and-coming front-end theme plugin “hyvä”.


Number of own reports

Enterprise Accounts previously had 10 reports of their own. The number has now been increased to 25.

July 25, 2024


New menu bar

The new menu for the etracker application has been released!

tag manager

Debug mode

A debug mode has been created for the etracker tag manager, which can be called up via a parameter. The parameter is:


To test this, the parameter can simply be appended to a URL:

July 15, 2024

consent manager

Content blocking

A function for blocking and unblocking external content via the etracker consent manager has been released. This is available to every Pro and Enterprise account in the etracker consent manager under External content:

Block and release external content via the etracker consent manager

The aim and purpose of this function is to block content that is questionable in terms of data protection (before it has even been loaded) until the user has voluntarily decided to unblock the service. Common external content is Google Maps and YouTube videos.

How it works: The website operator must change the source URL of the respective content on its website.

For example from scr=

in data-cb-scr= ...

etracker recognizes the attribute data-cb and places an overlay over the content. If the user allows the content to be loaded, the URL is replaced by the original URL and the content is displayed. etracker also recognizes which content it is and displays this in the overlay.

{NAME} is the placeholder for the services.

Content and appearance: In the etracker application, the text and appearance of the overlay can be customized in the same way as the normal Consent Banner. Link to the consent banner: It is also possible to create a link to the consent banner. For example, if the linked category is “Marketing”, the content is loaded when the user agrees to the “Marketing” category.

July 08, 2024

Tag manager

GET parameters for URLs

In the etracker tag manager, it is now possible to control the URLs for triggers using existing GET parameters. These can be defined and selected directly in the trigger itself:

Control URLs using existing GET parameters