May 22, 2024
Tag Manager Variables
Variables can now also be created in the etracker tag manager. This allows tag parameters to be dynamically filled with information from the website, regardless of the trigger used. There are four options to choose from: Cookie, Datalayer, DOM element and URL parameter.

With the cookie variable, cookie values can be used to fill tag parameters. All you need to do is enter the name of the desired cookie.

The name of the data layer and the name of the desired variable are required for the data layer variable. This can be used to read out data layers from a wide range of providers. The value of the specified variable is then used for the tag parameter.

Two options are available for the URL variable: GET parameter and Query. If GET parameter is selected, the value of a specific GET parameter can be used. To do this, simply enter the name of the desired GET parameter. If Query is selected, everything that comes after the question mark in the URL is taken as the value. No further customer input is required for Query.

For DOM variables, the element from which the value is to be obtained must first be specified. This is done using the usual selection between CSS selector, ID and class.

If the corresponding element has been specified with one of the above options, you can choose whether the variable should be filled with the text of this element or whether the value of an attribute from this element should be used.
If Attribute value is selected, the attribute name must be entered. This also makes it possible to read so-called data attributes and use them to fill tag parameters.

To use a variable in a tag, the variable must be selected in the corresponding tag in the desired parameter. You can choose between integrated variables, which obtain the corresponding value from the element to which the trigger refers, and your own variables, which can be filled from the four places mentioned above and are dependent on the selected trigger.

May 13, 2024
Title & description in the campaign link manager
It is now possible to add a title and a description of the link to the campaign link manager – similar to the etracker tag manager and the segments. This means that campaign links can be managed completely in etracker.