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Tracking code parameters

Set parameters Individual page naming and area assignment Recording of conversions with sales or for later conversion (leads to sales) Optional parameters var et_cdi

Set parameters

If required, the etracker tracking code can be customized using predefined or custom parameters. This is recommended in these cases:

Individual page naming and area assignment

An absolute must for web analysis is the recording of each web page using its own unique page name. By default, the page name is automatically extracted from the page title. Under Account → Automatic capture → Page name the default can be changed from the page title to the URL. Alternatively, a page name can be transferred using parameters in the etracker code.

Grouping pages into sections is a very helpful web analysis function. Grouping is done automatically by default based on the URL structure. Under Account → Automatic collection → Page areas the standard can be customized in various ways. A completely individual grouping can be created using parameters in the etracker code.

Page names [et_pagename]

Enter an individual page name as follows:

Seitennamen manuell aus dem Code übergeben javascript
var et_pagename  =  "SEITENNAME"; // Seitenname
//Freitext max. 255 Zeichen
//Default ""

If the parameter et_pagename is removed from the parameter block or not set, the page title is automatically entered as the name. If a page title is not available, the URL path of the page is used without the URL parameter.


If the same page name is used on different pages of the website, these pages are combined under one page name and cannot be analyzed separately.

Areas [et_areas]

Transfer an individual area assignment as follows:

var et_areas    = "Privatkunden";
//Freitext max. 255 Zeichen;
//Default: ""

A single page of the website can be assigned to exactly one area. Areas can be structured hierarchically in up to five levels. Separate the individual hierarchy levels with a slash /.


A website is divided into an area Herrenmode and an area Damenmode, which in turn have different product areas and product sub-areas.

The etracker area names could then be as follows, for example:

  • Herrenmode/Bekleidung/Hemden
  • Herrenmode/Bekleidung/Hosen/Chino
  • Herrenmode/Schuhe
  • Damenmode/Bekleidung/Kleider
  • Damenmode/Bekleidung/pants/chinos
  • Damenmode/Schuhe

Recording of conversions with sales or for later conversion (leads to sales)

For store analysis, we recommend integrating e-commerce tracking as described here.

If conversion actions or conversion processes are to be measured without sales and without lead-to-sale conversion, the configuration of conversion processes can be used via the settings (Configuration → Conversion processes).

The following parameters are available for measuring leads and sales in the tracking code:

var et_tval = "0"; //Umsatz
var et_tonr = ""; //Bestell-/Vorgangsnummer
var et_tsale = 0; //Bestellstatus
var et_basket = ""; //Warenkorb

To measure conversions with conversions, leads or sales, the parameters et_tval, et_tonr and et_tsale must be filled in. The shopping cart parameter et_basket is optional.

Turnover [et_tval]

The turnover is transferred as follows:

var et_tval = "39.95";
//float: Netto-Umsatz, der durch die Zielerreichung generiert wurde.
//Nachkommastellen werden mit einem Punkt gekennzeichnet.
//Es werden maximal zwei Nachkommastellen unterstützt.
//Es werden keine Einheiten unterstützt.
//Default "0"

Order number [et_tonr]

The order number (or transaction number) is used to uniquely identify the conversion. It is used for the optional conversion of leads to sales. If no number exists, a timestamp, for example, could also serve as a unique identifier.

The order number is transferred as follows:

var et_tonr     = "RG_1234";
//string:    Eindeutige Bestellnummer. 
//Freitext max. 50 Zeichen.
//Es sind keine Kommas/Semikolons erlaubt.
//Default ""

Order status [et_tsale]

The parameter et_tsale indicates whether the conversion is a lead order or a sale order.

The order status is transferred as follows:

var et_tsale = 0;
// integer:    0 = Lead (default)
//             1 = Sale
//             2 = Vollstorno

If no leads are generated that are later converted to sales, all conversions should be transferred directly as sales.

Shopping cart [et_basket]

The parameter et_basket is used for the optional transmission of shopping cart information to differentiate between different conversion types.

The information on the shopping cart is transferred as follows:

var et_basket = "ArtNr1,ArtName1,ArtGruppe1,Anzahl1,Preis1;ArtNr2,ArtName2,ArtGruppe2,Anzahl2,Preis2";
//string: Parameter zur Zuordnung der Warenkorb Artikel
//Default "";

A data record consists of the following elements:

  • ArtNr: Unique article code of the ordered or requested service, max. 50 characters.
  • ArtName: Designation for the article or service, max. 100 characters.
  • TypeGroup: Designation for the associated category, max. 50 characters.
  • Quantity: Quantity of the item.
  • Price: Unit price of the item. Decimal places are marked with a dot. Units (euros (€), dollars ($) etc.) are not indicated.

The individual elements within a data record are separated by commas. If the website visitor orders several items, these are separated by a semicolon.

The shopping cart for multiple items is transferred as follows:

var et_basket = "ArtNr,ArtName,ArtGruppe,Anzahl,Preis";
//string: Vom Shop System vergebene Parameter zur Zuordnung der Warenkorb Artikel
//Default "";

If the elements contain special characters, these must first be encoded in accordance with the URL encoding standard. Commas and semicolons are not permitted within the elements.

Optional parameters

var et_cdi

The parameter var et_cdi is used to transfer a value (identifier) that is used to identify the website visitor during cross-device tracking.


Cross-device tracking is enabled by default for every etracker account. Please note that if the parameter is transferred incorrectly, the visitor numbers can be irreversibly falsified!