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Users, roles & rights

Add and manage users

To use etracker analytics as a team within the company and/or with agencies, different accesses and authorizations can be assigned.

The number of possible user accesses depends on the etracker analytics edition:

  • Up to 10 users can be added in the Basic and Pro Editions.
  • In the Enterprise Edition, an unlimited number of users can be added.

Only (main) users and users with the Admin profile can add or remove other users or adjust authorizations.

This can be done in the interface under Settings → User administration or via an interface from third-party systems.

The rights of a user are set under Settings → User administration in an authorization profile and managed.

The following setting options are available for this:

  • Products: etracker analytics and/or Signalize
  • Account access: Access to all or individual accounts linked via multi-account management
  • Reporting: With or without sales figures and/or filters for specific pages, areas or domains

There are also three authorizations:

  • Analyze
  • Analyze & edit
  • Admin

The following is possible with the authorizations:

BereichFunktionAnalysierenAnalysieren & bearbeitenAdmin
KontoBenutzerdaten (Stammdaten) ändernneinneinja
Nutzer anlegen/ändernneinneinja
Multi-Account Managementneinneinja
AdministrationRechnungen einsehenneinneinja
Upgrades durchführenneinneinja
IntegrationTracking Codeneinjaja
Eigene Tracking Domain einrichtenneinjaja
Account-Einstellungen (u.a. IP-Sperre, Referrer-Ausschluss, autom. Eventerfassung, eigene Segment-Dimensionen, REST-API Token)neinneinja
CSS Selektor-Events konfigurierenneinjaja
Conversion-Prozesse konfigurierenneinjaja
Kampagnen-Links erstellen und speichernneinjaja
Consent Manager konfigurierenneinneinja
ReportsEigene Reports konfigurierenjajaja
Reportansichten erstellen und ändernjajaja
Eigenes Dashboard konfigurierenjajaja
Reportings & ExporteAlarmfunktion konfigurierenneinjaja
Einzelexporte startenneinjaja
E-Mail Reporting erstellenneinjaja

Add and manage users

After creating an authorization profile, a new user is created as follows:

  1. Go to Settings → User management.
  2. Click on New user below the user list on the right.
  3. Enter the user data such as last name, e-mail address and password.
    Please note the following criteria when assigning a password:
    – The password must consist of at least 8 characters.
    – The password must contain at least one upper and one lower case letter.
    – The password must contain at least one number.
    – The password must contain at least one special character (underscore and minus are not considered special characters).
  4. Select an existing user profile or create a new one.
  5. Click on Save and provide the user with their individual login ID and password.

It is not possible to create multiple co-users with the same e-mail address.

The added users are listed in the user administration with their login ID, name, authorization profile, status and number of logins. Accesses can be edited or deleted via the action column.

User management in etracker analytics