February 17, 2025
Campaign parameters in last visitor overview
The campaign and the medium of the respective visit are now also listed on the overview page of the last visitors:

In the real-time report, data is only recorded for external campaigns at visitor entry.
February 10, 2025
Conversion upload to Meta Ads and TikTok Ads
Automatically transfer conversions on the server side from etracker to Meta Ads and TikTok Ads to provide the bidding algorithms with the best data and thus advertise even more efficiently.

Due to the mobile switch from app to browser, a combination of tag-based tracking and server-side upload is recommended for maximum conversion attribution:

Thanks to integrated tag and consent management, etracker automatically ensures deduplication, i.e. the prevention of double-counted conversions.
Exports without totals lines
This new option for data export can be used to eliminate totals rows:

These marked totals lines are removed from the exported data when deactivated, which simplifies certain further processing:

Rights for etracker tag and consent manager
Use the authorization profiles to determine whether changes to the tag and/or Consent Management should be enabled:

February 04, 2025
etracker code streamlined
With the new code version 6.0, order parameters that are no longer required have been removed. The new version of the etracker code available in all account settings looks like this:
<!-- Copyright (c) 2000-2025 etracker GmbH. All rights reserved. No reproduction, publication or modification allowed without permission. -->
<!-- etracker code 6.0 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// var et_pagename = "";
// var et_areas = "";
<script id="_etLoader" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-block-cookies="true" data-secure-code="a1b2c3" src="//code.etracker.com/code/e.js" async></script>
<!-- etracker code 6.0 end -->
List view for conversion processes
The conversion processes have also been converted to the new list view. This change has completely replaced the previous tile view.