Module for etracker analytics
Development and support by m-cit.
The module automatically integrates the etracker tracking code and etracker e-commerce tracking into your store. The integration gives you access to the etracker all-in-one solution: etracker analytics, etracker tag manager and etracker consent manager.
Benefit from these advantages in no time at all:
- etracker analytics: Data protection-compliant web analysis without cookies and without the need for consent, but with maximum data gain.
This allows you to completely dispense with a cookie dialogue, provided you do not use any other analysis, personalization or marketing cookies. If you want to use etracker analytics with cookies, you can record all visits and conversions even if you reject cookies. - etracker consent manager: Legally compliant activation of etracker cookies as well as tags and cookies from third-party providers such as Google, Meta, TikTok and LinkedIn.
- etracker tag manager: Fast integration of etracker analytics as well as code snippets and conversion pixels from third-party providers such as Google, Meta, TikTok and LinkedIn.
etracker analytics automatically collects data such as product views, wish list events, shopping cart events and onsite searches including all necessary product dimensions.
Features in detail:
- Basic KPIs such as page and area views, bounce rate and geolocalization
- Orders
- Product performance (e.g. name, ID, price, quantity, category level)
- Conversion rate
- Turnover
- Renner-Penner
- Product interest & product funnel
- Abandoned shopping baskets
- Internal search
- Click paths
- Recording of visit type & length of stay
- Device, operating system & browser
With the data obtained and the resulting analyses, you gain in-depth insights into the behaviour of your store visitors, uncover optimization potential and can thus increase the success of your store.
You can download the PrestaShop module and the corresponding documentation here.