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Onsite campaigns & onsite search

Track internal search and other onsite campaigns Functionality Track internal search Track other onsite campaigns

Track internal search and other onsite campaigns

Onsite campaigns are used to measure the success of internal links. This makes it possible to analyze the extent to which certain website functions lead to

  • Product pages called up,
  • Add items to the shopping cart or put them on the watch list and
  • orders are placed and thus sales are generated.

Typical website functions that can be measured using onsite campaigns are:

  • Internal search (onsite search)
  • Internal banners and teasers
  • Product recommendations


  • To record onsite campaigns, you need an etracker analytics Pro or Enterprise Edition.
  • Orders must be recorded so that the success of the clicks can be measured.
  • If the success of onsite campaigns is to be evaluated according to articles and product categories or the e-commerce event steps (product pages viewed, added to shopping cart, ordered), etracker e-commerce tracking is required.
Good to know

Onsite campaigns run separately from offsite campaigns – i.e. external campaigns and links (referrer origin). This means that internal searches or clicks on internal banners have no influence on the measurement of newsletter links or Google Ads campaigns.

In addition, the “everyone gets everything” attribution model applies to onsite campaigns, whereby an order is assigned 100% to all participating campaigns, regardless of the number of contacts or their order.


A visitor to the website clicks on a home page banner, then uses the internal search and clicks on a recommendation in the shopping cart, all of which are measured as respective onsite campaigns. The visitor then completes an order worth 500 euros. In the evaluation, all three onsite campaigns are each assigned an order and a turnover of 500 euros. The turnover is not split between the campaigns, as otherwise, for example Otherwise, the recommendation in the shopping cart would reduce the success of the start page banner.


In order to ensure a complete separation between external and internal campaigns, specific parameters are available for onsite campaigns. The implementation and evaluation differ between the analysis of the internal search and other onsite campaigns:

  1. Track internal search.
  2. Track other onsite campaigns.

Track internal search

If you have integrated the etracker code via a plugin, the internal search is usually recorded automatically and does not have to be set up separately.

If the etracker code is integrated manually, the measurement can be set up quickly thanks to automatic recording if the search results pages contain a search parameter. To find out which search parameter is used to control the internal search, simply carry out a search on your website and take a look at the URL:

URL with executed onsite search

In this case, the parameter is sSearch. Frequently used are also the parameters q, s, search, query, term and keyword.

To set up tracking, go to Account → Automatic tracking Internal search. To activate, click on the box in front of Activate automatic detection of internal search and enter the appropriate search parameter – in the example above sSearch (without quotation marks!). Then click on Save changes to apply the entries. Done!

Automatic recording of the internal search & configuration

If automatic measurement is not possible or the number of hits should also be recorded, there is fortunately also the option of manual integration or transfer with the etracker code on the respective search results pages.

The first step for recording is to go to the account settings under Account → Automatic entry → Internal search to name the search. To do this, enter the desired name, such as Internal search. Then click on Add and then on Save changes.

Naming the internal search

The search information is transferred to etracker with the parameter cc_attributes in the parameter block of the etracker code on the search results page as follows:

General code example for the integration of the onsite search javascript
// define variable for additional attributes
var cc_attributes = {};
// set campain universe to onsite
cc_attributes["etcc_cu"] = "onsite";
// set medium to special value "Interne Suche"
cc_attributes["etcc_med_onsite"] = "Interne Suche";
// set search result entry count
cc_attributes["etcc_cmp_onsite"] = 33;
// set search string
cc_attributes["etcc_st_onsite"] = "Kindergarten"; 
Alternative code example for the transfer (search word book, search successful) javascript
var cc_attributes = { 'etcc_med_onsite': 'Interne Suche', 'etcc_cmp_onsite': 13, 'etcc_cu': 'onsite', 'etcc_st_onsite': 'Buch' };

Here, the attribute value for the medium in the code must match the designation for Onsite Medium stored in the settings (etcc_med_onsite=) match. The names of the onsite campaigns can be assigned as desired. The number of hits is often transferred with the attribute etcc_cmp_onsite.

How do I inform etracker that the internal search has not found anything?

If the internal search has not returned any results, this can be indicated using cc_attributes["etcc_cmp_onsite"] = 0;.

Track other onsite campaigns

To measure the success of other website functions in addition to the internal search, you can add suitable onsite campaign parameters to the corresponding internal links. The easiest way to create the corresponding links is to use the onsite campaign link generator. You can find the campaign link generator here: Configuration → Campaign links.

In the link generator, switch to Internal campaign URLs, where you can enter the target URL and the names for the onsite campaign and the onsite medium. Then click on Generate link to get the complete link. You can then copy it to the clipboard and save it in the link list.

The type of website function can be transferred via the onsite medium (etcc_med_onsite) and the name of the function or the advertised product can be transferred with the name of the onsite campaign (etcc_cmp_onsite).

The data of the onsite campaign can also be transferred in the etracker code if no link is made to a new page.

Example for the transfer of onsite campaign parameters javascript
var cc_attributes = {};
cc_attributes["etcc_cu"] = "onsite";
cc_attributes["etcc_med_onsite"] = "Onsite Gewinnspiel";
cc_attributes["etcc_cmp_onsite"] = "Gewinnspiel ABC";